Thursday, August 19, 2010

This week I rocked at the grocery stores!

It's once again my weekly day for grocery shopping. This week there were lots of sales going on, mainly due to the fact that on Monday the kiddos go back to school. This week I only went to Kroger and Albertsons for my goodies. Overall, I think I did much better this week than last.

I started with Kroger this time. Kroger is still having their buy 8 participating items and get $4 off sale going on. If you are not familiar with this, then check out last Thursday's post to get the details. Like usual I need cereal and other snacks to put in the girls' lunchboxes next week. I took advantage of the buy 8 get $4 off deal to have an assortment of goodies for them. I was able to once again get Kroger to pay me 50 cents to take another Chex Mix bag off their hands. I still had a 50 cents off of one coupon and a shortcuts coupon for 50 cents off of one too. The sale price on the Chex Mix was 99 cents. Kroger doubled my manufacturer's coupon to make the item free and then applied the shortcuts coupon on top of that. I was also able to get a box of Nature Valley granola bars for 49 cents. The sale price was $1.99 a box. I had one 50 cents off of one box coupon and a shortcuts coupon for 50 cents off of one box too. Kroger doubled the manufacturer's coupon to drop the price to 99 cents and then subtracted the shortcuts coupon to make the grand total 49 cents! Now try getting one of those at Wallymart for that price! Another deal was for a box of Coco Puffs. The cereal was on sale for $1.48, and I had a cereal coupon for $1.50 off of 3 General Mills cereals. Since General Mills was on the buy 8 get $4 off, then ended up getting the first two boxes for 98 cents using the $1.50 off of 3 coupon. Now on the Coco Puffs, I was able to subtract 50 cents off of the $1.48 to bring it down, like the others, to 98 cents. Then Kroger subtracted my 55 cents off of 1 box of Coco Puffs shortcuts coupon. This brought the price of that one box of cereal down to 43 cents!

I was able to use my Kroger coupon for FREE Oscar Mayer Deli Meat. So right there that saved me another $3.99! On the package of the Oscar Mayer Deli Meat, there was a coupon for a $1 off of one jar of Claussen pickles which I was also able to use today too. Now Kroger this week has a meal deal going on where if you buy a big package of Oscar Mayer Deli Meat and a package of Kraft American cheese, then you will get a jar of Claussen pickles, a tub of potatoes salad, a renewable grocery bag, a package of tomatoes, and a small thing of Kroger mustard for FREE! Now the deli meat and cheese costs $7.37, but you get $10.16 worth of FREE items! Not bad considering that my kids have been asking all week for me to make them turkey sandwiches instead of PB&J. Now since I found that $1 off of one Claussen pickles, I only paid $6.37 for all those items. Too bad my free deli meat coupon wasn't for the big package, then I would of only had to pay $1.50 for all of those items. So in the end, I paid $24.29 at Kroger and saved $42.20. A savings of 63%!!!! Not bad if I do say so myself.

My last stop was at Albertsons. Albertsons had Dole can fruit on sale 10 for $10. Which makes it a dollar a can, and this price is for the big cans of fruit not the small ones! I have several 50 cents off of 2 Dole canned fruit coupons in my stash. Now Albertsons will double all my Dole coupons. So I ended up getting 10 cans of Dole fruit for $5. Which makes it 50 cents a can! So if you still have your Dole coupons, I highly recommend stocking up for your pantry! I remember 5 years ago, Dole canned tropical fruit was 78 cents a can at Wallymart. Today I was able to get 4 cans of Dole tropical fruit for 50 cents a can! Not bad considering I paid more 5 years ago. The other item that was on sale that I bought was the Yoplait yogurts. Yoplait is on sale for 39 cents each. I had two 40 cents off of 6 coupons. I bought the 12 yogurts and paid $3.08 for all of them. That makes it about 26 cents a yogurt. Considering that it's been a while since Yoplait has been on sale, 26 cents a yogurt is not too much to pay. So in the end, I paid $25.53 and saved $28.77. That is over a 50% savings!

After all was said and done, I took my receipts and tallied up the final score. I paid $49.82 and bought $120.79 worth of food! I saved $70.97 and came in under my $50 projected budget low! Now that is a great shopping experience and I did not have to set foot inside a Wallymart to do it!

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